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TC CAT is here to help

What is the Tri-Cities Community Action Team (TC CAT)?

To bring together multiple stakeholders to support and facilitate local partnerships, coordinate programs and services, address gaps, and plan for collaborative community action around the opioid overdose crisis.

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What is the TriCities Community Action Team (TCCAT)?

Recent news articles

The TC CAT Blog a place where we support stories from our TC CAT work and others like Mom stop the harm, Naloxhome, community & family stories and youth initiatives.

City of Coquitlam cites frequent police calls to shelter in report calling for more help for the homeless

July 17, 2024

The City of Coquitlam has unanimously voted to send letters urging the province to address concerns about a supportive housing...

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Prohibition Is Killing People. Regulating Drugs Is the Way Out

July 16, 2024

Should heroin and cocaine be legally available to people who need and want them? If we are serious about stopping...

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Help Starts Here

July 11, 2024

The BC Lions are partnering with the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions to raise awareness that everyone’s story is...

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